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ATA announces recipients of fellowships and scholarships

June 11, 2013 Corinne Anderson, ATA Professional Development staff

Randy Pearson, Morgex Insurance, presents Sherri-Lynn Fricker with a cheque for $2,500. Fricker is this year’s recipient of the John Mazurek Memorial—Morgex Insurance Scholarship. 

Professionals are dedicated to furthering their education

Doctoral fellowships in education

Dan Grassick is not happy accepting the status quo. Whether it’s reconceptualizing his Rideau Park School food program, developing new outdoor school programs at Camp Chief Hector YMCA or pushing the Calgary City Teachers’ Convention to step boldly into the 21st century, Grassick is always reading, questioning and pushing boundaries. Grassick, currently working on a PhD through the Department of Secondary ­Education at the University of Alberta, is researching how school spaces, especially schoolyards, can be redesigned to create a multiplicity of learning environments and opportunities.

Janis Irwin is a doctoral student in social studies education at the University of Alberta. Her research interests include expanding notions of multiple perspectives in social studies, as well as engaging students in crosscurricular approaches to education. Currently seconded to Alberta Education in the role of curriculum manager, Social Studies 10–12, Irwin has been a senior high social studies teacher and assistant principal with the Battle River School Division. She is an ­active ­member of the ATA’s Social Studies ­Council and has served on her ATA local executive and on various committees.

Nadene M. Thomas Graduate Research Bursary

Denise Peterson (Mamii’askikamii’akii) lives in Strathmore and teaches for the Golden Hills School Division in a partnership school with the Siksika Nation. She is honoured to receive the Nadene M. Thomas Graduate Research Bursary, because Thomas was Peterson’s mentor when she began teaching and became involved with the ATA. Peterson’s research is focused on indigenous education, diversity and inclusion, with the goal of positively influencing working conditions, professional and cultural competency levels, and job satisfaction for teachers in Alberta’s outreach schools.

John Mazurek Memorial—Morgex Insurance Scholarship

Sherri-Lynn Fricker is an Alberta educator with 19 years of experience as a primary teacher and district leader. Fricker has worked for Northern Gateway, Elk Island and St. Albert public school boards. She served as educational technology coordinator for St. Albert Public Schools and presented workshops on educational technology for district and school PD days. She presented at the North Central Teachers’ Convention and served on the convention association’s board. Fricker is pursuing a BTech from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.

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